Galen and the Antonine Plague Article (PDF Available) in The American Journal of Philology 94(3):243-55 · February 1973 with 3,552 Reads How we measure 'reads'

The Antonine Plague Although the Antonine Plague would have little influence over the arts or Roman culture, its social and political effects have left an indelible mark on the pages of history. With it, the plague brought the death knell of the Roman Empire , and would herald in a time of constant upheaval, betrayal, and - some would argue - insanity at the hands THE ANTONINE PLAGUE IN DACIA AND MOESIA INFERIOR the Antonine plague, or the plague of Galen, and the plague of Cyprian. medical attempts to cure the disease. If historians are to have a realistic view on the death toll this disease left Plague | CDC

Before coronavirus: The deadliest pandemics in history

the Antonine plague, or the plague of Galen, and the plague of Cyprian. medical attempts to cure the disease. If historians are to have a realistic view on the death toll this disease left Plague | CDC Jul 23, 2020 Before coronavirus: The deadliest pandemics in history

Stoicism and the Plague: Marcus Aurelius and the Antonine

Apr 16, 2020 Worst Pandemics That Struck The World And How They Compare Mar 16, 2020 Here's A Horrifying History Of The Deadliest Disease Apr 26, 2020 How Climate Change and Plague Helped Bring Down the Roman