Qnap samsung tv

I can play videos using Samsung Smart TV app on a PC connected to the same network, but the interface is insanely uncomfortable (talk about re-inventing the wheel). So my question to you is: how would you recommend I'd stream files from a NAS to the TV? I see few options, but I am no expert: - Via the network, using Samsung app, via a PC

What to do with xbox 360

Jan 21, 2016 · Overall, Microsoft has done good work in bringing Xbox 360 games to the Xbox One, but it sounds like the company could do a better job of green-lighting certain releases onto the compatibility

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Antonine plague cure

Galen and the Antonine Plague Article (PDF Available) in The American Journal of Philology 94(3):243-55 · February 1973 with 3,552 Reads How we measure 'reads'