How can I transfer eMails from GMail back to Yahoo Mail?

I want my right-side Gmail labels back - google evil Jul 20, 2009 How to Get the Old Gmail Look Back May 04, 2012 How to Access Gmail on your Desktop - Make Tech Easier

New customizable tabs put you back in control so that you can see what's new at a glance and decide which emails you want to read and when. More about the new inbox. Talk across devices Hangouts bring conversations to life with photos, emoji, and even group video calls for free.

10 useful Gmail settings you’ll wish you knew sooner Aug 02, 2018 Google Account

You don’t have to do this, but if you want Gmail to function as a desktop app that you can use without Internet, and which then syncs up with your online account, it’s highly recommended. Go to your Gmail inbox, click the Settings cog icon at the top right, then under the General tab, click “Offline.”

Why does Gmail stall with a blank screen? - Ask Dave Taylor