
ip命令用来显示或操纵Linux主机的路由、网络设备、策略路由和隧道,是Linux下较新的功能强大的网络配置工具。 语法 ip(选项)(参数) 选项-V:显示指令版本信息; -s:输出更详细的信息; -f:强制使用指定的协议族; -4:指定使用的网络层协议是IPv4协议; -6:指定使用的网络层协议是IPv6协议; -0 ip(8) - Linux man page ip link - network device configuration. link is a network device and the corresponding commands display and change the state of devices. ip link set - change device attributes dev NAME (default) NAME specifies network device to operate on. When configuring SR-IOV Virtual Fuction (VF) devices, this keyword should specify the associated Physical 关于开发板不断eth0: link up, 100Mbps, full … 2014-10-14 · eth0: link down 看来问题没那么简单,上网查阅了不少资料之后,突然醒悟过来可能是开发板MAC地址重复出现的问题。跑过去问了同事,他说他刚才确实打开过开发板。在开发板上用ifconfig命令重新设置了开发板的MAC地址和IP地址(防止和同事的相同),问题 Linux ifconfig命令 | 菜鸟教程

ip -s -s link show # 显示所有接口详细信息 ip -s -s link show eth1.11 # 显示单独接口信息 ip link set dev eth1 up # 启动设备,相当于 ifconfig eth1 up ip link set dev eth1 down # 停止设备

2.5. Link Aggregation and High Availability with Bonding 2016-4-15 · [root@real-server root]# modprobe bonding [root@real-server root]# ip addr add brd + dev bond0 [root@real-server root]# ip link set dev bond0 up [root@real-server root]# ifenslave bond0 eth2 eth3 master has no hw address assigned; getting one from slave! The interface eth2 is up, shutting it down it to enslave it. The interface eth3 is up, shutting it down it to …

ip(8) - Linux man page

Solved: TRACK-6-STATE: 1 ip sla 1 state Down ra - Cisco Re: TRACK-6-STATE: 1 ip sla 1 state Down random flood So I can't really pin down why the SLA is triggering like this. The link to the device, which is 10 ft from the router, seems to be fine. 2.5. Link Aggregation and High Availability with Bonding 2016-4-15 · [root@real-server root]# modprobe bonding [root@real-server root]# ip addr add brd + dev bond0 [root@real-server root]# ip link set dev bond0 up [root@real-server root]# ifenslave bond0 eth2 eth3 master has no hw address assigned; getting one from slave! The interface eth2 is up, shutting it down it to enslave it. The interface eth3 is up, shutting it down it to … Best IP Address Grabbers Turn a Link into an IP Grabber Best IP Address Grabbers Turn a Link into an IP Grabber. In this article we will list the best websites to grab IP addresses using a short link to another website. Using these websites we can extract information such as IP address and GPS location data. When grabbing IP addresses and location data it’s always best to filter Internet bots such